El Calendario Litúrgico Palmariano es una fuente inagotable de recursos espirituales para todos aquellos que están interesados en la Fe Católica Tradicional, muy especialmente para el Palmar de Troya y sus fieles.
En él se colocan las devociones que debemos seguir día a día, el santo correspondiente a cada día y fragmentos de la historia de la Iglesia reciente.
Este calendario, aprobado oportunamente para la Iglesia, es enviado por el Padre Joshua María de la Santa Faz. Está en Inglés, pero es muy entendible.
September 2017
1. Friday
Christ confers the papacy directly; (Day 3 Nv) Mary, Co-Creator, Mother and Heart of Creation; In reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus; Ss: Adrian IV, PpD, b in Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, England; Arthur, RM, b in Dublin, Ireland; Anna, Prophetess, and Mother General of the Essenian nuns at the time of Christ, pre-sanctified; Benigna Consolata Ferrero, R, great Mystic, victim Soul, b in Turin, Italy, apostle of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus; Helen Lovett Martin, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Dingle, Kerry, Ireland.
2. Saturday
The Eternal Father; Mary the Divine Prophetess; In reparation to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary; (Day 4 Nv) Mary acknowledged and venerated by the good Angels; Ss: Apolinar Morel, PRM, b in Porsat, Fribourg, Switzerland; Stephen 1, King of Hungary, Mystic, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith; Maria Peçanha, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Atibaia, Säo Paulo, Brazil; Maria Regina Kramer, b in Berlin, Germany, Martyr of Purity.
3. Sunday
Christ, Supreme Prophet; In reparation to the Most Holy Trinity; (Day 5 Nv) Mary the Woman announced in Genesis; Ss: Pius X the Great, PpD, Mystic, b in Riese, Treviso, Italy, apostle of the Holy Face and of frequent Communion; Thomas Frederick Price, PRF, Patriarch, D, b in Wilmington, North Carolina, USA, great Missionary, Rosalia, R, Mystic, b in Palermo, Italy; Maria Lagler de Rüttiman, tertiary of OCHF, victim Soul, b in Galgenen, Schwyz, Switzerland; Andrea Isabella Locci, tertiary of OCHF, b in Mar del Plata, Argentina, Protectress of the Blind.
4. Monday
The Most Divine Soul of Christ, Mediator between God and Creation; In reparation to the Most Divine Soul of Christ; (Day 6 Nv) Mary working in the Sacrament of the Triple Benediction in the Old Testament; Ss: Boniface I, PpD, b in Rome, Italy; Moses, Prophet, Shepherd, lawgiver and caudillo of the people of Israel, B, taken up to the Planet of Mary; Maria of St. Cecilia, RD, great Mystic, Stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, confirmed in grace, b in Quebec, Canada, apostle of the Passion of Christ; Anna Lucy Schildknecht, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Geretschwil, St Gallen, Switzerland; Honorio Maura Gamazo, lawyer and writer, M, b in Madrid, Spain.
5. Tuesday
Christ relates the parables of Lazarus and the rich man, Epulon, and that of the rich fool; In reparation to the Most Sacred Head of Jesus; (Day 7 Nv) Mary prefigured in the Old Testament; Cleophas, 2nd spouse of Saint Ann, pre-sanctified; Kieran of Clonmacnois, PRF, b in Roscommon, Ireland; Mary Nativity of the Holy Face, Marian Apostle, RD, b in Rheineck, St Gallen, Switzerland; Ramon Poch Casasampere, President of Catholic Action, M, b in San Vicente del Horts, Barcelona, Spain; Frances Murschel de Bechler, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Ostheim, Haut-Rhin, France.
6. Wednesday
Christ in the Sermon on the Mount; In reparation to the Most Sacred Wounds of Christ; (Day 8 Nv) Mary announced by the Prophets; Ss: Eugene, BRFD, b in Carthage, Tunisia, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith; Scholastico Mary of the Holy Face, Marian Apostle, BR, victim Soul, b in Hamilton, Scotland, Great Britain; Maria Coronel, RFD, b in Seville, Spain, Heroine of purity; John Casserley, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Salford, Manchester, England, apostle of the recitation of the Holy Rosary; Anna Maria Bannholzer, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Brüchsal, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
7. Thursday
Christ multiplies the loaves and fishes; In reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus; (Day 9 Nv) Mary in the maternal womb; Ss: Elpidio, the paralytic of Bethsaida, BR, of Toledo, Spain, disciple of Christ; Rafael Corby, PRM, b in Maynooth, Dublin, Ireland; Gertrude Mary, R, great Mystic, victim Soul, b in Lyon d ´Anger, Anjou, France; Regina, VM, b in Alise-Sainte-Reine, Côte D'Or, France; The Martyrs of Uganda.
8. Friday (Holy Day of Obligation) *************************
Christ blessing in the blessings of His priests; The Nativity of the Most Holy Virgin Mary; Ss: Sergius I, Pp, b in Antioch, Syria; Francis of the Cross Jordan, PRF, Patriarch, D, b in Gurtweil, Baden, Germany; Peter Claver, PRD, Mystic, victim Soul b in Verdu, Lérida, Spain, great Missionary and apostle of Slaves; Frederick Ozanam, Catholic philosopher and professor, D, b in Milan, Italy; Celsus de Sampaio Amaral, tertiary of OCHF, b in Itu, Sâo Paulo, Brazil.
9. Saturday
In thanksgiving to the Most Holy Trinity; Our Sorrowful Mother of El Palmar, Morning Star; Ss: Abraham, Patriarch of the Old Testament, B, and King, Our Father in the Faith; Theodore, BR, b in Padrón, Coruna, Spain; Andrew Young, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Haddington, Lothian, Scotland, Great Britain; Maria de la Cabeza, Mystic, b in Uceda, Guadalajara, Spain, spouse of St. Isidore the Husbandman; Mary Agnes Käslin Würsch, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Emmeten, Nidwalden, Switzerland, apostle of the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
10. Sunday
Most Holy Christ of El Palmar, Light of the World; Ss:Peter Mezonzo, BRD, of Santiago de Compostela, b in Curtis, Coruna, Spain, Author of the Salve Regina; Clement Mary of the Holy Face, Marian Apostle, BR, b in Sarria, Lugo, Spain; Nicholas of Tolentino, PRD, great Mystic, b in Sant´Angelo, Fermo, Italy, apostle of the Eucharist; Lamech & Mary, Patriarch and Matriarch of the Old Testament; Elizabeth, Princess, Mystic, sister of King Louis IX of France.
11. Monday
The Most Divine Soul of Christ, Source of all spiritual life; Virgin Saint Joseph, virginal Father of Jesus and virginal Spouse of Mary; Ss: William
Allen, BFD, b in Rossal, Lancashire, England, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith; Onuphrius Mary of the Holy Face, Marian Apostle, BR, b in Gilching, Bavaria, Germany; Eleazar Maccabaeus, Prophet, Levitical Deputy High Priest, Essenian Religious and Governor of Jerusalem, taken up to the Planet
of Mary; Bonaventure of Barcelona, RF, Mystic, b in Riudoms, Tarragona, Spain; Leo Breidenbach, tertiary of OCHF, b in Holmes, North Dakota, USA, Annie Eveleen McDwyer de Wright, tertiary of OCHF, b in Cavan, Ireland.
12. Tuesday
Christ relates the parable of the cruel servant; The Most Sweet Name of Mary; Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar on the 45th anniversary of Her enthronement in El Palmar;
13. Wednesday
Christ promising the Eucharist in Capharnaum; Ss: Amatus, PRF, b in Grenoble, Isére, France; Philip II, D, King of Spain and Emperor of the Most Christian Spanish Empire, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith; Amalia Montilla, R, and tertiary of the OCHF, Mystic, victim Soul, b in Cuicas, Trujillo, Venezuela; Guido, Sacristan, b in Anderlecht, Brabant, Belgium; Josephine Fragenas Montes, victim Soul, b in Caracas, Venezuela.
14. Thursday
Christ walks on the waters; The Exaltation of the Holy Cross; Crowned Saint Joseph of El Palmar; Ss: Osio, BRMD, b in Cordoba, Spain, ardent pillar of the faith; Louis Gabriel Taurin Dufresne, BM, at Chin-Tai, China, b in Paris, France, great Missionary; Rogelio, RM, b in Granada, Spain; Concepcion Sánchez-Pérez, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cadiz, Spain.
15. Friday
Christ Praying to the Father in the prayers of the Church; Mary Mother, propitiatory Co-Victim; Ss: Lambert, BRFM, b in Maastricht, Limburg, Holland, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith; Salome, pre-sanctified, 3rd spouse of Saint Anne; Mary of the Angels, RFD, great Mystic, b in Turin, Italy, apostle of the Passion of Christ; Catherine, D, great Mystic, Stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, b in Genoa, Italy, apostle of the Passion of Christ and of the Holy Souls in Purgatory; Pilar Vega Iglesias, R, Mystic, victim Soul b in Guáriz, Lugo, Spain.
16. Saturday
In thanksgiving to the Holy Ghost and imploring His apotheotic coming; Mary, the Divine Shepherdess; Ss: Innocent III, PpD, b in Anagni, Frosinone, Italy; Victor III, Pp, b in Benevento, Italy; Thomas of Torquemada, PRFD, grand Inquisitor, b in Valladolid, Spain, exalted Hammer of heretics; Florence Josephine Bielenberg, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Moscow, Idaho, USA; Maria Ann Handle, b in Glins, Tyrol, Austria, Martyr of purity.
17. Sunday
Christ the Good Shepherd; Saint Joseph, Support of the Chaste; Ss: Stanislaus Papcynski, PRF, Patriarch, D, b in Podegrodzie, Stary, Sacz, Poland, apostle of Mary Immaculate; Peter Arbués, PRM, Inquisitor, b in Epila, Zaragoza, Spain; Hildegarde of Bingen, RFD, great Mystic, Stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, b in Bermersheim, Mainz, Germany, exalted Messenger of God; John Maccabaeus, Prophet, Levite Priest, Essenian Religious, taken up to the Planet of Mary; John Macias, R, Mystic, b in Ribera del Fresno, Badajoz, Spain, apostle of the poor; Anatolia Giménez Esquivel, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Capiatá, Distrito Central, Paraguay.
18. Monday
The Most Sacred Veins of our Lord Jesus Christ, Salvific Channels; Mary Mother, Co-Calmer of the Tempest; Ss: Joseph, PRD, great Mystic, victim Soul, b in Copertino, Kingdom of Naples, Italy, apostle of the Love of God; Mary Emily Rodat, RF, Matriarch, D, victim Soul, b in Drouelles, Aveyron, France, apostle of Christian Charity; Mary of Jesus, RCf, Matriarch, D, victim Soul, b in Paris, France, mother of the poor; Theresa Neumann, D, great Mystic, Stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, b in Konnersreuth, Bavaria, Germany, apostle of the Passion of Christ; Mary Florentine of the Holy Face, Marian Apostle, R, b in Garganta de la Olla, Cáceres, Spain.
19. Tuesday
Christ relates the parable of the importunate friend and that of the iniquitous judge and the widow; Ss: Januarius, BM, b in Silos, Burgos, Spain; Alphonsus de Orozco, PRFD, great Mystic, b in Oropesa, Toledo, Spain; Mary Francis, R, victim Soul, b in Edinburgh, Scotland, Great Britain, athirst for souls for Christ; Katharine Guster de Hiegl, tertiary of OCHF, b in Karavukovo, Yugoslavia; For the repose of the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
20. Wednesday
Christ forgiving sin; Ss: Francisco de Posadas, PRD, Mystic, b in Cordoba, Spain, great Missionary; Henry Garnet, PRM, b in Nottingham, England, apostle of the Seal of Confession; Maria de Cervellon, RF, Matriarch, D, great Mystic, b in Barcelona, Spain, apostle of the Passion of Christ; Maria Theresa Josephine Dudzik, RF, Matriarch, D, victim Soul, b in Plocicz, Pomorze, Poland; Maurice, military officer, M, b in Egypt.
21. Thursday
Christ cures a man of dropsy; Saint Joseph, Help of the Dying; Ss: Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist, M; Gabriel Malagrida, PRFMD; geat Mystic, b in Managgio, Como, Italy, great Missionary; Charles I of Spain and V of Germany, Emperor of the West and of the Most Christian Spanish Empire; Garabandal of the Holy Face, Terciary of OCHF, D, Mystic, b in Huinca Renancó, Cordoba, Argentina, apostle of El Palmar, and Protectress of the Holy See at El Palmar De
Troya; Anna Angelica Bollinger, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Spaichingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany.
22. Friday
Christ suffering in the sufferings of the Church; In thanksgiving to our Crowned Mother of El Palmar; Ss: Felix III, PpD, b in Benevento, Italy; Tomás, the Holy Almsgiver, BRF, Patriarch, D, great Mystic, of Valencia, b in Villanueva de los Infantes, Ciudad Real, Spain, Reformer of religious life; Benedict Joseph Labre, R, Pilgrim, Mystic, b in Amettes, Pas-de-Calais, France, God's mendicant apostle; Marie Melanie of the Cross and of La Salette, RCf, Matriarch, D, great Mystic, Stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, confirmed in grace, b in Corps, Isére, France, Protectress of
the Holy Palmarian See; Charles Mary Onyia, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Umuaga, Anambra, Nigeria.
23. Saturday
In thanksgiving to the Eternal Father; Mary, the Divine Doctoress; Ss: Linus, PpM, b in Volterra, Pisa, Italy; Pio, PRD, great Mystic, Stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, b in Pietrelcina, Italy, apostle of the Penitential Rosary and eminent Protector of the Carmelites of the Holy Face; Anthony Kowalczyk, R, b in Dziersanow, Poznan, Poland, Missionary; Little Christopher, M, b in La Guardia, Toledo, Spain; Maria Bayer, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Hofweiler, Baden, Germany.
24. Sunday
Christ, Eternal and Supreme Doctor; Ss: Dalmatius, PR, Mystic, b in Santa Coloma de Farnés, Gerona, Spain; Joshua, Prophet, Shepherd and Caudillo of the people of Israel; Maximin, Mystic, of La Salette, France; Petra Corral, b in Alcabón, Toledo, Spain, Martyr of purity; Maria Lichtenegger, b in Sankt Marein, Steiermark, Austria, apostle of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. For the benefit of the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
25. Monday
The Most Divine Soul of Christ, Spiritual Victim of Calvary; Ss: Cleophas of Emmaus, BRM, disciple of Christ; Francisco Suárez, PRD, great Mystic, b in Granada, Spain, exalted Theologian; Nicholas von Flüe, RD, great Mystic, b in Flüe, Sachseln, Obwalden, Switzerland, apostle of God's Providence; Rafael Ramirez Guerra, tertiary of OCHF, b in Fuenteovejuna, Cordoba, Spain.
26. Tuesday
Christ relates the parable of the Pharisee and the publican; Ss: Frederick William Faber, PRFD, b in Calverley, Yorkshire, England, Louis Gentili, PR, victim Soul, b in Rome, Italy, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith in England and Ireland; Columba, RM, b in Cordoba, Spain, apostle of religious life; Nicholas Wolf of Ripperschwand, b in Neuenkirch, Lucerne, Switzerland, Propagator of the Holy Rosary; Agnes Käslin, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Emmeten, Nidwalden, Switzerland.
27. Wednesday
Christ reproaching the Jews; Ss: Cosmas, BD, at Gaza, b in Jerusalem, Palestine; Atanasius, BR, b in Zaragoza, Spain, consecrated by the Apostle St. James the Greater; Bertinus, PRF, b in Cautances, Manche, France; Maurice of Carnoet, R, b in Loudéac, Côtes-du-Nord, France, apostle of perfection in religious; Cosmas and Damian, brothers, physicians, Ms, b in Arabia.
28. Thursday
Christ heals many sick in Capharnaum; Ss: Simon de Rojas, PRD, Mystic, b in Valladolid, Spain, apostle of the Passion of Christ; Meinrad, R, b in St. Gallen, Switzerland, apostle of devotion to Mary; Wenceslaus of Bohemia, Duke of Czecha, M, Mystic, apostle of the Eucharist; Anna Agnes Gister de Wälchli, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Morschach, Schwyz, Switzerland.
29. Friday
Ss: Michael, Archangel; Cyprian, BMD, b in Carthage, Tunisia; Tomas Luis de Victoria, PR, and distinguished composer of religious music, b in Avila, Spain; Michaelina Metelli, R, b in Pesaro, Italy, apostle of Christian Charity; For the benefit of the Expectant Souls in Limbo.
30. Saturday
The Most Holy Trinity; Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar; Ss: Jerome, PRF, Patriarch, D, great Mystic, b in Stridon, Dalmatia, Yugoslavia, exalted translator of the Bible; Grimoald, P, b in Pontecorvo, Frosinone, Italy; Nuño de Santa Maria, R, b in Lisbon, Portugal, apostle of the Eucharist; Juda, son of the Holy Patriarch Jacob; Sophia, b in Rome, Italy.
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