miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017

Una enseñanza que sería útil a todo el mundo

Las Profecías y Revelaciones de Santa Brígida de Suecia (1302-1373) - Libro 1

Capítulo 41

Yo soy el Creador de todas las cosas. Nací del Padre antes de que existiera Lucifer. Existo inseparablemente en el Padre y el Padre en mí y hay un Espíritu en ambos. Por consiguiente, hay un Dios –Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo—y no tres dioses. Yo soy el que le hizo la promesa de la herencia eterna a Abraham y conduje a mi pueblo fuera de Egipto a través de Moisés. Yo soy el que habló a través de los profetas. El padre me puso en el vientre de la Virgen, sin separarse de mí, permaneciendo conmigo inseparablemente para que la humanidad, que ha abandonado a Dios, pueda retornar a Dios a través de mi amor.

Ahora, sin embargo, en vuestra presencia, Corte Celestial, pese a que veis y sabéis todo de mi, por el bien del conocimiento y la instrucción de esta desposada mía, que no puede percibir lo espiritual sino es por medio de lo físico, yo declaro mi pesar ante vosotros en relación de los cinco hombres aquí presentes, por ser ellos ofensivos para mí de muchas maneras.

De la misma forma que yo, en una ocasión, incluí a todo el pueblo israelita en el nombre de Israel en la Ley, ahora mediante estos cinco hombres me refiero a todos en el mundo. El primer hombre representa al líder de la Iglesia y sus sacerdotes; el segundo, a los laicos corruptos, el tercero a los judíos, el cuarto a los paganos y el quinto a mis amigos. En lo que a ti respecta, judío, he hecho una excepción con todos los judíos que son cristianos en secreto y que me sirven en caridad sincera, conforme a la fe y en sus trabajos perfectos en secreto. En relación a ti, pagano, he hecho una excepción con todos aquellos que con gusto caminarían por la senda de mis mandamientos si tan solo supieran cómo y si fueran instruidos, los que tratan de poner en práctica todo lo que pueden y de lo que son capaces. Éstos, no serán de ninguna manera sentenciados con vosotros.

Ahora declaro mi disgusto contigo, cabeza de mi Iglesia, tú que te sientas en mi asiento. Le concedí este asiento a Pedro y a sus sucesores para que se sentaran con una triple dignidad y autoridad: primero, para que pudieran tener el poder de atar y desatar a las almas del pecado; segundo, para que pudieran abrirle el Cielo a los penitentes; tercero, para que cerraran el Cielo a los condenados y a aquellos que me desprecian. Pero tú, que deberías estar absolviendo almas y presentándomelas, eres realmente un asesino de almas. Designé a Pedro como el pastor y el sirviente de mis ovejas, pero tú las disipas y las hieres, eres peor que Lucifer.

Él tenía envidia de mí y no persiguió matar a nadie más que a mí, de forma que pudiera él gobernar en mi lugar. Pero tú eres lo peor en que, no sólo me matas al apartarme de ti por tu mal trabajo sino que, también, matas a las almas debido a tu mal ejemplo. Yo redimí almas con mi sangre y te las encomendé como a un amigo fiable. Pero tú se las devuelvas al enemigo del que yo las redimí. Eres más injusto que Pilatos. Él tan sólo me condenó a muerte. Pero tú no sólo me condenas como si yo fuese un pobre hombre indigno, sino que también condenas a las almas de mis elegidos y dejas libres a los culpables. Mereces menos misericordia que Judas. Él tan solo me vendió. Pero tú, no solo me vendes a mí, sino que también vendes a las almas de mis elegidos en base a tu propio provecho y vana reputación. Tú eres más abominable que los judíos. Ellos tan sólo crucificaron mi cuerpo, pero tú crucificaste y castigaste a las almas de mis elegidos para quienes tu maldad y trasgresión son más afiladas que una espada.

Así, puesto que eres como Lucifer, más injusto que Pilatos, menos digno de misericordia que Judas y más abominable que los judíos, mi enfado contigo está justificado. El Señor dijo al segundo hombre, es decir, al que representa a los laicos: “Yo creé todas las cosas para tu uso. Tú me diste tu consentimiento a mí y Yo a ti. Tú me prometiste tu fe y me juraste que me servirías. Ahora, sin embargo, te has apartado de mí como alguien que no conoce a Dios. Te refieres a mis palabras como mentiras y a mis trabajos como carentes de sentido. Tú dices que mi voluntad y mis mandamientos son muy duros. Has violado la fe que prometiste. Has roto tu juramento y has abandonado mi Nombre.

Te has disociado a ti mismo de la compañía de mis santos y te has integrado en la compañía de los demonios, haciéndote socio suyo. Tú no crees que ninguno merezca alabanza y honor salvo tú mismo. Consideras difícil todo lo que tiene que ver conmigo y lo que estás obligado a hacer por mí, mientras que las cosas que te gusta hacer son fáciles para ti. Es por esto que mi enfado contigo está justificado, porque tú has quebrado la fe que me prometiste en el bautismo y en adelante. Encima, me acusas de mentir sobre el amor que te he mostrado de palabra y de hecho. Dices que yo era un loco por sufrir”.

Al tercer hombre, es decir al representante de los judíos, le dijo: “Yo comencé mi amoroso idilio contigo. Te elegí como mi pueblo, te libré de la esclavitud, te di Mi Ley, te conduje hasta la Tierra que les había prometido a tus padres y te envié profetas que te consolaran. Después, elegí una Virgen de entre vosotros y tomé de ella naturaleza humana. Mi disgusto contigo es que aún rehúsas creer en mí, diciendo: “Cristo no ha venido todavía sino que tiene que venir”.

El Señor dijo al cuarto hombre, es decir a los paganos: “Yo te creé y te redimí para que fueras cristiano. Hice contigo todo el bien. Pero tú eres como alguien que está fuera de sus sentidos, porque no sabes lo que haces. Eres como un ciego, porque no sabes hacia dónde te diriges. Adoras a las criaturas en lugar de al Creador, a la falsedad en lugar de a la verdad. Te arrodillas ante las cosas que son inferiores a ti. Esta es la causa de mi disgusto en relación a ti”. Al quinto hombre le dijo: “¡Acércate más, amigo!” Y se dirigió directamente a la Corte Celestial: “Queridos amigos, este amigo mío representa a mis muchos amigos. Él es como un hombre cercado entre los corruptos y mantenido en un duro cautiverio. Cuando dice la verdad le arrojan piedras en la boca. Cuando hace algo bueno, le clavan una lanza en el pecho. ¡Ay, mis amigos y santos! ¿Cómo puedo soportar a esas personas y cuánto tiempo me mantendré con semejante desprecio?”.

San Juan Bautista respondió: “Eres como un espejo inmaculado. Vemos y sabemos todas las cosas en ti como en un espejo, sin necesidad de palabras. Eres la dulzura incomparable en la que saboreamos todo lo bueno. Eres como la más afilada de las espadas y un Juez justo”. El Señor le respondió: “Amigo mío, lo que has dicho es cierto. Mis elegidos ven toda la bondad y justicia en mí. Aún los espíritus diabólicos lo hacen, aunque no en la luz sino en su propia conciencia. Como un hombre en prisión, que se aprendió las letras y aún las conoce cuando se encuentra en la oscuridad y no las ve, los demonios, pese a que no ven mi justicia a la luz de mi claridad, aún así, conocen y ven en su conciencia. Yo soy como una espada que corta en dos. Le doy a cada persona lo que él o ella merecen. Entonces, el Señor agregó, hablando al Bienaventurado Pedro: “Tú eres el fundador de la fe y de mi Iglesia. Mientras lo escucha mi Ejército, ¡declara la sentencia de estos cinco hombres!”.

Pedro contestó: “¡Gloria y honor para Ti, Señor, por el amor que has demostrado a la tierra! ¡Que toda tu Corte te bendiga, porque Tú nos haces ver y saber en Ti todo lo que es y lo que será! Vemos y sabemos todo en Ti. Es verdaderamente justo que el primer hombre, el que se sienta en tu asiento mientras que realiza los hechos de Lucifer, vergonzosamente deba renunciar a ese asiento en el que presumió sentarse y compartir el castigo de Lucifer. La sentencia del segundo hombre es que aquél que haya abandonado la fe debe descender al infierno con la cabeza abajo y los pies arriba, por haberte despreciado a Ti, que deberías ser su cabeza y por haberse amado a sí mismo.

La sentencia del tercero es que no verá Tu rostro y será condenado por su perversidad y avaricia, puesto que los que no creen no merecen contemplar la visión de Ti. La sentencia del cuarto es que debería ser encerrado y confinado en la oscuridad, como un hombre fuera de sus sentidos. La sentencia del quinto es que deberá serle enviada ayuda” Cuando el Señor oyó esto, respondió: “Prometo por Dios, el Padre, cuya voz oyó Juan el Bautista en el Jordán, que haré justicia a éstos cinco”.

Después, el Señor continuó, diciendo al primero de los cinco hombres: “La espada de mi severidad atravesará tu cuerpo, entrando desde lo alto de tu cabeza y penetrando tan profunda y firmemente que nunca podrá ser sacada. Tu asiento se hundirá como una piedra pesada y no cesará hasta que alcance la parte más baja de las profundidades. Tus dedos, es decir, tus consejeros, arderán en un fuego sulfuroso e inextinguible.

Tus brazos, es decir, tus vicarios, que debieran de haber conseguido el beneficio de las almas, pero que en su lugar consiguieron provechos mundanos y honores, serán sentenciados al castigo del que habla David: ‘Que sus hijos queden huérfanos y su mujer viuda, que los extraños le arrebaten su propiedad’. ¿Qué significa ‘su mujer’ sino el alma que ha sido separada de la gloria del Cielo y que quedará viuda de Dios? ‘Sus hijos’, es decir, las virtudes que aparentaron poseer y mi gente sencilla, aquellos que se les sometieron, serán apartados de ellos. Su rango y propiedad caerá en manos de otros, y ellos heredarán la eterna vergüenza en lugar de su rango privilegiado.

Sus mitras se hundirán en el barro del infierno y ellos mismos nunca se levantarán de él. Por ello, lo mismo que el honor y el orgullo que alcanzaron sobre otros aquí en la tierra, se hundirán en el infierno tan profundamente, más que los demás, que les será imposible levantarse. Sus extremidades, o sea, todos los sacerdotes aduladores que les secunden, serán separados de ellos y aislados, igual que una pared que se derrumba, en la que no quedará piedra sobre piedra y el cemento ya no se adherirá a las piedras. La misericordia nunca les llegará, porque mi amor nunca les calentará ni les repondrá en la eterna Mansión Celestial. En su lugar, despojados de todo bien, serán eternamente atormentados junto a sus líderes.

Al segundo hombre, Yo le digo: Dado que tú no quieres mantenerte en la fe que me prometiste ni manifestar amor hacia mí, te enviaré un animal que procederá del torrente impetuoso para devorarte. Y, lo mismo que un torrente siempre corre hacia abajo, así el animal te llevará a las partes más bajas del infierno. Tan imposible como es para ti viajar corriente arriba contra un torrente impetuoso, igual de difícil será para ti ascender desde el infierno.

Al tercer hombre, le digo: ‘Ya que tú, judío, no quieres creer que Yo ya he venido, por ello, cuando vuelva para el segundo juicio, no me verás en mi gloria sino en tu conciencia, y comprobarás que todo lo que te dije era verdad. Entonces ahí quedará que seas castigado como mereces’. Al cuarto hombre, le digo: ‘Como no te has ocupado de creer ni has querido saber, tu propia oscuridad será tu luz y tu corazón será iluminado para que comprendas que mis juicios son verdaderos pero, sin embargo, tú no alcanzarás la luz’.

Al quinto hombre, le digo: ‘Haré tres cosas por ti. Primero, te llenaré internamente de mi calor. Segundo, haré que tu boca sea más fuerte y más firme que cualquier piedra, de modo que las piedras que te arrojen serán rebotadas. Tercero, te armaré con mis armas, de forma que ninguna lanza te dañará sino que todo cederá ante ti como la cera frente al fuego.

Por tanto, ¡hazte fuerte y resiste como un hombre! Como un soldado que, en la guerra, espera la ayuda de su Señor y lucha mientras le quedan fluidos de vida, así también tú, ¡mantente firme y lucha! El Señor, tu Dios, aquél a quien nadie puede resistir, te ayudará. Y, como vosotros sois pocos en número, os daré honor y os convertiré en muchos. Mirad, amigos míos, veis estas cosas y las reconocéis en Mí y, por ello, se mantienen ante mí’. Las palabras que ahora he pronunciado se cumplirán. Aquellos hombres nunca entrarán en mi Reino mientras yo sea el Rey, a menos que enmienden sus caminos. Porque el Cielo no será sino para aquellos que se humillan a sí mismos y hacen penitencia”. Entonces, toda la corte respondió: “¡Gloria a Ti, Señor Dios, que no tienes principio ni fin!”. 

lunes, 28 de agosto de 2017

Calendario Palmariano del mes de Septiembre

El Calendario Litúrgico Palmariano es una fuente inagotable de recursos espirituales para todos aquellos que están interesados en la Fe Católica Tradicional, muy especialmente para el Palmar de Troya y sus fieles.

En él se colocan las devociones que debemos seguir día a día, el santo correspondiente a cada día y fragmentos de la historia de la Iglesia reciente.

Este calendario, aprobado oportunamente para la Iglesia, es enviado por el Padre Joshua María de la Santa Faz. Está en Inglés, pero es muy entendible.

September 2017

1. Friday
Christ confers the papacy directly; (Day 3 Nv) Mary, Co-Creator, Mother and Heart of Creation; In reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus; Ss: Adrian IV, PpD, b in Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, England; Arthur, RM, b in Dublin, Ireland; Anna, Prophetess, and Mother General of the Essenian nuns at the time of Christ, pre-sanctified; Benigna Consolata Ferrero, R, great Mystic, victim Soul, b in Turin, Italy, apostle of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus; Helen Lovett Martin, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Dingle, Kerry, Ireland.

2. Saturday
The Eternal Father; Mary the Divine Prophetess; In reparation to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary; (Day 4 Nv) Mary acknowledged and venerated by the good Angels; Ss: Apolinar Morel, PRM, b in Porsat, Fribourg, Switzerland; Stephen 1, King of Hungary, Mystic, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith; Maria Peçanha, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Atibaia, Säo Paulo, Brazil; Maria Regina Kramer, b in Berlin, Germany, Martyr of Purity.

3. Sunday
Christ, Supreme Prophet; In reparation to the Most Holy Trinity; (Day 5 Nv) Mary the Woman announced in Genesis; Ss: Pius X the Great, PpD, Mystic, b in Riese, Treviso, Italy, apostle of the Holy Face and of frequent Communion; Thomas Frederick Price, PRF, Patriarch, D, b in Wilmington, North Carolina, USA, great Missionary, Rosalia, R, Mystic, b in Palermo, Italy; Maria Lagler de Rüttiman, tertiary of OCHF, victim Soul, b in Galgenen, Schwyz, Switzerland; Andrea Isabella Locci, tertiary of OCHF, b in Mar del Plata, Argentina, Protectress of the Blind.

4. Monday
The Most Divine Soul of Christ, Mediator between God and Creation; In reparation to the Most Divine Soul of Christ; (Day 6 Nv) Mary working in the Sacrament of the Triple Benediction in the Old Testament; Ss: Boniface I, PpD, b in Rome, Italy; Moses, Prophet, Shepherd, lawgiver and caudillo of the people of Israel, B, taken up to the Planet of Mary; Maria of St. Cecilia, RD, great Mystic, Stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, confirmed in grace, b in Quebec, Canada, apostle of the Passion of Christ; Anna Lucy Schildknecht, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Geretschwil, St Gallen, Switzerland; Honorio Maura Gamazo, lawyer and writer, M, b in Madrid, Spain.

5. Tuesday
Christ relates the parables of Lazarus and the rich man, Epulon, and that of the rich fool; In reparation to the Most Sacred Head of Jesus; (Day 7 Nv) Mary prefigured in the Old Testament; Cleophas, 2nd spouse of Saint Ann, pre-sanctified; Kieran of Clonmacnois, PRF, b in Roscommon, Ireland; Mary Nativity of the Holy Face, Marian Apostle, RD, b in Rheineck, St Gallen, Switzerland; Ramon Poch Casasampere, President of Catholic Action, M, b in San Vicente del Horts, Barcelona, Spain; Frances Murschel de Bechler, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Ostheim, Haut-Rhin, France.

6. Wednesday
Christ in the Sermon on the Mount; In reparation to the Most Sacred Wounds of Christ; (Day 8 Nv) Mary announced by the Prophets; Ss: Eugene, BRFD, b in Carthage, Tunisia, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith; Scholastico Mary of the Holy Face, Marian Apostle, BR, victim Soul, b in Hamilton, Scotland, Great Britain; Maria Coronel, RFD, b in Seville, Spain, Heroine of purity; John Casserley, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Salford, Manchester, England, apostle of the recitation of the Holy Rosary; Anna Maria Bannholzer, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Brüchsal, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
7. Thursday
Christ multiplies the loaves and fishes; In reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus; (Day 9 Nv) Mary in the maternal womb; Ss: Elpidio, the paralytic of Bethsaida, BR, of Toledo, Spain, disciple of Christ; Rafael Corby, PRM, b in Maynooth, Dublin, Ireland; Gertrude Mary, R, great Mystic, victim Soul, b in Lyon d ´Anger, Anjou, France; Regina, VM, b in Alise-Sainte-Reine, Côte D'Or, France; The Martyrs of Uganda.

8. Friday (Holy Day of Obligation) *************************
Christ blessing in the blessings of His priests; The Nativity of the Most Holy Virgin Mary; Ss: Sergius I, Pp, b in Antioch, Syria; Francis of the Cross Jordan, PRF, Patriarch, D, b in Gurtweil, Baden, Germany; Peter Claver, PRD, Mystic, victim Soul b in Verdu, Lérida, Spain, great Missionary and apostle of Slaves; Frederick Ozanam, Catholic philosopher and professor, D, b in Milan, Italy; Celsus de Sampaio Amaral, tertiary of OCHF, b in Itu, Sâo Paulo, Brazil.

9. Saturday
In thanksgiving to the Most Holy Trinity; Our Sorrowful Mother of El Palmar, Morning Star; Ss: Abraham, Patriarch of the Old Testament, B, and King, Our Father in the Faith; Theodore, BR, b in Padrón, Coruna, Spain; Andrew Young, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Haddington, Lothian, Scotland, Great Britain; Maria de la Cabeza, Mystic, b in Uceda, Guadalajara, Spain, spouse of St. Isidore the Husbandman; Mary Agnes Käslin Würsch, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Emmeten, Nidwalden, Switzerland, apostle of the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

10. Sunday
Most Holy Christ of El Palmar, Light of the World; Ss:Peter Mezonzo, BRD, of Santiago de Compostela, b in Curtis, Coruna, Spain, Author of the Salve Regina; Clement Mary of the Holy Face, Marian Apostle, BR, b in Sarria, Lugo, Spain; Nicholas of Tolentino, PRD, great Mystic, b in Sant´Angelo, Fermo, Italy, apostle of the Eucharist; Lamech & Mary, Patriarch and Matriarch of the Old Testament; Elizabeth, Princess, Mystic, sister of King Louis IX of France.

11. Monday
The Most Divine Soul of Christ, Source of all spiritual life; Virgin Saint Joseph, virginal Father of Jesus and virginal Spouse of Mary; Ss: William Allen, BFD, b in Rossal, Lancashire, England, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith; Onuphrius Mary of the Holy Face, Marian Apostle, BR, b in Gilching, Bavaria, Germany; Eleazar Maccabaeus, Prophet, Levitical Deputy High Priest, Essenian Religious and Governor of Jerusalem, taken up to the Planet of Mary; Bonaventure of Barcelona, RF, Mystic, b in Riudoms, Tarragona, Spain; Leo Breidenbach, tertiary of OCHF, b in Holmes, North Dakota, USA, Annie Eveleen McDwyer de Wright, tertiary of OCHF, b in Cavan, Ireland.

12. Tuesday
Christ relates the parable of the cruel servant; The Most Sweet Name of Mary; Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar on the 45th anniversary of Her enthronement in El Palmar;

13. Wednesday
Christ promising the Eucharist in Capharnaum; Ss: Amatus, PRF, b in Grenoble, Isére, France; Philip II, D, King of Spain and Emperor of the Most Christian Spanish Empire, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith; Amalia Montilla, R, and tertiary of the OCHF, Mystic, victim Soul, b in Cuicas, Trujillo, Venezuela; Guido, Sacristan, b in Anderlecht, Brabant, Belgium; Josephine Fragenas Montes, victim Soul, b in Caracas, Venezuela.
14. Thursday
Christ walks on the waters; The Exaltation of the Holy Cross; Crowned Saint Joseph of El Palmar; Ss: Osio, BRMD, b in Cordoba, Spain, ardent pillar of the faith; Louis Gabriel Taurin Dufresne, BM, at Chin-Tai, China, b in Paris, France, great Missionary; Rogelio, RM, b in Granada, Spain; Concepcion Sánchez-Pérez, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cadiz, Spain.

15. Friday
Christ Praying to the Father in the prayers of the Church; Mary Mother, propitiatory Co-Victim; Ss: Lambert, BRFM, b in Maastricht, Limburg, Holland, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith; Salome, pre-sanctified, 3rd spouse of Saint Anne; Mary of the Angels, RFD, great Mystic, b in Turin, Italy, apostle of the Passion of Christ; Catherine, D, great Mystic, Stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, b in Genoa, Italy, apostle of the Passion of Christ and of the Holy Souls in Purgatory; Pilar Vega Iglesias, R, Mystic, victim Soul b in Guáriz, Lugo, Spain.

16. Saturday
In thanksgiving to the Holy Ghost and imploring His apotheotic coming; Mary, the Divine Shepherdess; Ss: Innocent III, PpD, b in Anagni, Frosinone, Italy; Victor III, Pp, b in Benevento, Italy; Thomas of Torquemada, PRFD, grand Inquisitor, b in Valladolid, Spain, exalted Hammer of heretics; Florence Josephine Bielenberg, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Moscow, Idaho, USA; Maria Ann Handle, b in Glins, Tyrol, Austria, Martyr of purity.

17. Sunday
Christ the Good Shepherd; Saint Joseph, Support of the Chaste; Ss: Stanislaus Papcynski, PRF, Patriarch, D, b in Podegrodzie, Stary, Sacz, Poland, apostle of Mary Immaculate; Peter Arbués, PRM, Inquisitor, b in Epila, Zaragoza, Spain; Hildegarde of Bingen, RFD, great Mystic, Stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, b in Bermersheim, Mainz, Germany, exalted Messenger of God; John Maccabaeus, Prophet, Levite Priest, Essenian Religious, taken up to the Planet of Mary; John Macias, R, Mystic, b in Ribera del Fresno, Badajoz, Spain, apostle of the poor; Anatolia Giménez Esquivel, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Capiatá, Distrito Central, Paraguay.

18. Monday
The Most Sacred Veins of our Lord Jesus Christ, Salvific Channels; Mary Mother, Co-Calmer of the Tempest; Ss: Joseph, PRD, great Mystic, victim Soul, b in Copertino, Kingdom of Naples, Italy, apostle of the Love of God; Mary Emily Rodat, RF, Matriarch, D, victim Soul, b in Drouelles, Aveyron, France, apostle of Christian Charity; Mary of Jesus, RCf, Matriarch, D, victim Soul, b in Paris, France, mother of the poor; Theresa Neumann, D, great Mystic, Stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, b in Konnersreuth, Bavaria, Germany, apostle of the Passion of Christ; Mary Florentine of the Holy Face, Marian Apostle, R, b in Garganta de la Olla, Cáceres, Spain.

19. Tuesday
Christ relates the parable of the importunate friend and that of the iniquitous judge and the widow; Ss: Januarius, BM, b in Silos, Burgos, Spain; Alphonsus de Orozco, PRFD, great Mystic, b in Oropesa, Toledo, Spain; Mary Francis, R, victim Soul, b in Edinburgh, Scotland, Great Britain, athirst for souls for Christ; Katharine Guster de Hiegl, tertiary of OCHF, b in Karavukovo, Yugoslavia; For the repose of the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

20. Wednesday
Christ forgiving sin; Ss: Francisco de Posadas, PRD, Mystic, b in Cordoba, Spain, great Missionary; Henry Garnet, PRM, b in Nottingham, England, apostle of the Seal of Confession; Maria de Cervellon, RF, Matriarch, D, great Mystic, b in Barcelona, Spain, apostle of the Passion of Christ; Maria Theresa Josephine Dudzik, RF, Matriarch, D, victim Soul, b in Plocicz, Pomorze, Poland; Maurice, military officer, M, b in Egypt.

21. Thursday
Christ cures a man of dropsy; Saint Joseph, Help of the Dying; Ss: Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist, M; Gabriel Malagrida, PRFMD; geat Mystic, b in Managgio, Como, Italy, great Missionary; Charles I of Spain and V of Germany, Emperor of the West and of the Most Christian Spanish Empire; Garabandal of the Holy Face, Terciary of OCHF, D, Mystic, b in Huinca Renancó, Cordoba, Argentina, apostle of El Palmar, and Protectress of the Holy See at El Palmar De Troya; Anna Angelica Bollinger, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Spaichingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany.

22. Friday
Christ suffering in the sufferings of the Church; In thanksgiving to our Crowned Mother of El Palmar; Ss: Felix III, PpD, b in Benevento, Italy; Tomás, the Holy Almsgiver, BRF, Patriarch, D, great Mystic, of Valencia, b in Villanueva de los Infantes, Ciudad Real, Spain, Reformer of religious life; Benedict Joseph Labre, R, Pilgrim, Mystic, b in Amettes, Pas-de-Calais, France, God's mendicant apostle; Marie Melanie of the Cross and of La Salette, RCf, Matriarch, D, great Mystic, Stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, confirmed in grace, b in Corps, Isére, France, Protectress of the Holy Palmarian See; Charles Mary Onyia, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Umuaga, Anambra, Nigeria.

23. Saturday
In thanksgiving to the Eternal Father; Mary, the Divine Doctoress; Ss: Linus, PpM, b in Volterra, Pisa, Italy; Pio, PRD, great Mystic, Stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, b in Pietrelcina, Italy, apostle of the Penitential Rosary and eminent Protector of the Carmelites of the Holy Face; Anthony Kowalczyk, R, b in Dziersanow, Poznan, Poland, Missionary; Little Christopher, M, b in La Guardia, Toledo, Spain; Maria Bayer, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Hofweiler, Baden, Germany.

24. Sunday
Christ, Eternal and Supreme Doctor; Ss: Dalmatius, PR, Mystic, b in Santa Coloma de Farnés, Gerona, Spain; Joshua, Prophet, Shepherd and Caudillo of the people of Israel; Maximin, Mystic, of La Salette, France; Petra Corral, b in Alcabón, Toledo, Spain, Martyr of purity; Maria Lichtenegger, b in Sankt Marein, Steiermark, Austria, apostle of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. For the benefit of the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

25. Monday
The Most Divine Soul of Christ, Spiritual Victim of Calvary; Ss: Cleophas of Emmaus, BRM, disciple of Christ; Francisco Suárez, PRD, great Mystic, b in Granada, Spain, exalted Theologian; Nicholas von Flüe, RD, great Mystic, b in Flüe, Sachseln, Obwalden, Switzerland, apostle of God's Providence; Rafael Ramirez Guerra, tertiary of OCHF, b in Fuenteovejuna, Cordoba, Spain.

26. Tuesday
Christ relates the parable of the Pharisee and the publican; Ss: Frederick William Faber, PRFD, b in Calverley, Yorkshire, England, Louis Gentili, PR, victim Soul, b in Rome, Italy, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith in England and Ireland; Columba, RM, b in Cordoba, Spain, apostle of religious life; Nicholas Wolf of Ripperschwand, b in Neuenkirch, Lucerne, Switzerland, Propagator of the Holy Rosary; Agnes Käslin, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Emmeten, Nidwalden, Switzerland.

27. Wednesday
Christ reproaching the Jews; Ss: Cosmas, BD, at Gaza, b in Jerusalem, Palestine; Atanasius, BR, b in Zaragoza, Spain, consecrated by the Apostle St. James the Greater; Bertinus, PRF, b in Cautances, Manche, France; Maurice of Carnoet, R, b in Loudéac, Côtes-du-Nord, France, apostle of perfection in religious; Cosmas and Damian, brothers, physicians, Ms, b in Arabia.

28. Thursday
Christ heals many sick in Capharnaum; Ss: Simon de Rojas, PRD, Mystic, b in Valladolid, Spain, apostle of the Passion of Christ; Meinrad, R, b in St. Gallen, Switzerland, apostle of devotion to Mary; Wenceslaus of Bohemia, Duke of Czecha, M, Mystic, apostle of the Eucharist; Anna Agnes Gister de Wälchli, tertiary of the OCHF, b in Morschach, Schwyz, Switzerland.

29. Friday
Ss: Michael, Archangel; Cyprian, BMD, b in Carthage, Tunisia; Tomas Luis de Victoria, PR, and distinguished composer of religious music, b in Avila, Spain; Michaelina Metelli, R, b in Pesaro, Italy, apostle of Christian Charity; For the benefit of the Expectant Souls in Limbo.

30. Saturday
The Most Holy Trinity; Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar; Ss: Jerome, PRF, Patriarch, D, great Mystic, b in Stridon, Dalmatia, Yugoslavia, exalted translator of the Bible; Grimoald, P, b in Pontecorvo, Frosinone, Italy; Nuño de Santa Maria, R, b in Lisbon, Portugal, apostle of the Eucharist; Juda, son of the Holy Patriarch Jacob; Sophia, b in Rome, Italy.

domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017

Otro libro sobre la historia del Palmar de Troya

Ave Maria Purissima!

I have started the translation of another book on the history of events in Palmar de Troya.  Why be so concerned with obtaining and sharing the history of Palmar?  Well, with all the "traditional" groups out there claiming to be the continuation of the One, true Church founded by our Lord, Master and Savior, Jesus Christ, it is absolutely essential that there be proof that only one of those groups is fulfilling that singular position.  So in these last times, when there reigns so much confusion about the above theme, there must be clear signs that Heaven was/is performing "works" associated with that one and only place on Earth.  All those groups who claim that they are the true Catholic Church, let them show us the signs from Heaven that God has, in fact, chosen the persons involved in those places/organizations as instruments of His absolutely necessary Divine Providence so as to conduct as many souls as possible to that place for the guidance that God has promised to His Church until the end of time!  Let that person/group show how they are, through compliance with the established teachings of God's Church throughout the ages since the time of Jesus and His Apostles, a guidance to misled and/or confused souls by Rome's aberrations. (definition:)

1. the act of departing from the right, normal, or usual course.
2. the act of deviating from the ordinary, usual, or normal type.
3. deviation from truth or moral rectitude.

Let that person/group provide supernatural facts of God (and His Saints) comforting souls who are thirsty for the true teachings from Heaven by Divine intervention which clearly shows that:
Rome: “…fallen, fallen is that great Babylon…” (Apocalypse:14:8)
God is still manifesting proof of His being the Shepherd of His one, true flock.
The Divine Shepherd and His Divine Pastoress are giving warnings of what has taken place in His Church, especially its hierarchy (from where the flock should normally be guided and warned, comforted and taught by that hierarchy so that Heaven does not need to intervene in an extraordinary manner because the hierarchy is fulfilling its role of representing Christ and the Apostles).
Through the person/group whom God has chosen, steps are being taken to re-establish His Church as He meant it to be as He personally established it from the beginning, with the most wise and noble assistance of His own Mother, the Divine Doctoress, taught and tested to an incalculable extreme for such a purpose.
Let the person/group chosen by God be identified by enough prophecies from time immemorial to prove to those sincerely seeking God’s Church that they can identify that person/group as being chosen by God precisely for saving His Church against Her enemies.
Let other places of apparitions, visions and miracles identify and confirm that the person/group claiming to be God’s instruments for saving His Church are precisely where and with whom Heaven is working.
In what concerns the selection by God of the persons used as instruments of His Providence, there seem to come from nowhere all sorts of persons who have made themselves judges of God’s ability to choose.  They have become experts in knowing whom God should select for His designs and for the good of His Church, while they, themselves, seem to lack mirrors in their own house to insure that they fulfill the requirements of their own judgments. Without wanting to delve too deeply into their own sins and shortcomings as regards fulfilling God’s will, they are most eager to point out the finest details of the sins of their neighbor.  Those claiming to receive orders from Heaven to carry out missions for the good of the Church and souls—backed by ample proof with long lists of witnesses, become the targets of those who never seem to look at themselves!  From his book “Catholic Controversy” Saint Francis of Sales points out some interesting truths which clarify such an attitude (attachment).

When God’s ministers collectively fail in their mission of teachers, defenders, sustainers and guiders of His Church, we need look no further than the Prophet Ezekiel for our comfort (attachment).

Show me all you who claim to carry on as the continuation of God’s Church on this Earth.  Show me that Heaven intervened, as God promised, to save His most beloved Spouse from Her enemies.  Show me enough proofs to convince me, and after much prayer and studying of your fruits, comparing them to the age-old teachings of our cherished Catholic faith: God, Himself, will acknowledge my decision if it is to follow you.

Hopefully this explanation will suffice for pushing--insisting that you take this endeavor seriously and read what is painstakingly being translated, albeit not so professionally, for shedding more light as to where God has been working on Earth for the purpose of saving His Church.  It's that serious!  It's the most serious theme of our existence!  God guide you to Himself through His Church!!! (2 attachments)

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Father Joshua Maria of the Holy Face

martes, 1 de agosto de 2017

Calendario Palmariano de Agosto

August 2017

1. Tuesday
Christ relates the parable of the barren fig tree and that of the homicidal laborers; In reparation to the Most Sacred Head of Jesus; Ss: Amadeus de la Tour, BD, great Mystic, at Sion, Valais, Switzerland, b in Turin, Italy, Protector of the Holy Palmarian See; The Machabaean, Prophetess of the Old Testament; 13 Bishops, more than 6000 Priests, and more than 2000 Religious Spaniards, Martyrs in the Holy Spanish Crusade 1936-39; Buenaventura Gómez Rianda, Tertiary of the OCHF, victim Soul, b in Granada, Spain; Ceferino Giménez Malla, Martyr of the Holy Spanish Crusade 1936-39, b in Fraga, Huesca, Spain, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith.

2. Wednesday
Christ works His first public miracle at the Marriage Feast of Cana; In reparation to the Most Sacred Wounds of Jesus; Mary Mother, Gentle Dew; Ss: Stephen I, PpM, b in Rome, Italy; Joseph of Arimathea, BR, disciple of Christ, Evangelizer of England; Alphonsus Mary de Liguori, BRF, Patriarch, D, great Mystic, in Santa Agata de Goti, b in Marianella di Campodimonte, Naples, Italy, apostle of the Passion of Christ and of the Glories of Mary; Elizabeth Barton, RMD, great Mystic, victim Soul, b in Kent, England, apostle of papal supremacy; Azarias, Prophet of the old Testament.

3. Thursday
Christ expels Satan from the possessed persons of Gerasa; In reparation to the Holy Face of our Lord Jesus Christ; Ss: Nicodemus, BR, disciple of Christ; Augustine Gazotic, BRFD, in Zagreb, b in Trogir, Croatia, Yugoslavia; William Doyle, PRMD, great Mystic, Stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, confirmed in grace, b in Dalkey, Dublin, Ireland, apostle of the confessional in the First World War; Frederick Jansoone, PR, b in Ghyvelde, Flanders, France, missionary and apostle of Marian Devotion.

4. Friday
Christ, Spiritual Nourishment in Communion; In reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus; Ss: Domingo de Guzmán, PRF, Patriarch, D, great Mystic, b in Caleruega, Burgos, Spain, founder of the Holy Rosary; Mary Amparo of the Holy Face, Marian Apostle, R, b in Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland, Great Britain; Louise Albertoni, R, great Mystic, b in Rome, Italy, apostle of the Passion of Christ; Solomón, M, b in Córdoba, Spain; Félix and Juana, b in Caleruega and Aza, Burgos, Spain, parents of Saint Domingo de Guzmán.

5. Saturday
The Eternal Father; Mary, Co-Priest of Christ, Eternal High Priest; Mary Mother, Queen of the Snows; In reparation to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary; Ss: Mary Saint Peter of the Holy Family, RD, great Mystic, victim Soul, b in Rennes, France, apostle of the Holy Face; Oswald, King of Northumbria, England, M, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith; Pedro Vázquez, PRM, b in Peibás, Lugo, Spain; Johanna Power Crosbie, Tertiary of the OCHF, b in Curraghduff, Wexford, Ireland; Ana Linares, b in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cadiz, Spain.

6. Sunday
Christ, Eternal High Priest; The Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ on Mount Tabor; The Holy Face of our Lord Jesus Christ, Banner of the Faith; In reparation to the Most Holy Trinity; Ss: Paul VI, Pp, Mystic, Great Martyr of the Vatican, b in Concessio, Brescia, Italy, exalted Protector of the Holy Palmarian See; Sixtus II, PpM, b in Corinth, Greece; Hormisdas, Pp, b in Frosinone, Italy; Calixtus III, Pp, b in Játiva, Valencia, Spain.

7. Monday
The Most Divine Soul of Christ, espoused with and enthroned in the Divine Soul of Mary; Mary prefigured by Rebecca; In reparation to the Most Divine Soul of Christ; Ss: Cajetan, PRF, Patriarch, D, great Mystic, b in Vincenza, Italy; Albert, PR, great Mystic, b in Trapani, Sicily, Italy; Louise of Savoy, R, b in Geneva, Switzerland; Elizabeth Waggershaüser de Müller, Tertiary of the OCHF, b in Langenargen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, apostle of the Holy Penitential Rosary; Justo and Pastor, Ms, brothers, b in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain; For the benefit of the expectant Souls in Limbo.

8. Tuesday
Christ relates the parable of those invited to the supper and that of the wedding banquet; Mary Mother, Gentle Breeze; Ss: Gabriel Garcia Moreno, President of Ecuador, Martyr, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith; Manes, PRF, and Antonio, P, b in Caleruega, Burgos, Spain, brothers of Saint Domingo de Guzmán; Marinus, DcR, b in Dalmatia, Yugoslavia; Ita, RF, Mystic, b in County Waterford, Ireland.
9. Wednesday
Christ expels the merchants from the temple; Christ transfers the Chair of the Apostle St. Peter from Rome to El Palmar de Troya; The Holy Face of our Lord Jesus Christ, Terror of demons; Ss: Augustine PRD, great Mystic, victim Soul, b in Abergavenny, Wales, Great Britain, apostle of English language mysticism; Mary Zita of the Holy Face, Marian Apostle, R, victim Soul, b in Orth an der Donau, Austria; Noah, Patriarch of the Old Testament; John Marie Baptist Vianney, the Holy Curé of Ars, P, great Mystic, victim Soul, b in Dardilly, Rhône, France, apostle of the Holy Cross and the confessional; Peter Mary Chukwudun Ebigbo, Tertiary of the OCHF, Mystic, b in Umudim, Nnewi, Anambra, Nigeria, apostle of El Palmar.

10. Thursday
Christ heals the woman with the issue of blood; Mary, Mother of the Church; Ss: Catherine of Christ thirsting on the Cross, RFD, great Mystic, Stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, b in Genoa, Italy, Reformatrix of religious life and protectress of the Holy Palmarian See; Lorenzo, DcM, b in Huesca, Spain; Joaquín Panizo Domínguez, Tertiary of the OCHF b in Don Álvaro, Bádajos, Spain, apostle of the life of prayer and activity; Antonio Molle Lazo, M, b in Arcos de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spain.

11. Friday
Christ anointing the sick with Holy Oil; Virgin Saint Joseph, virginal Father of Jesus and virginal Spouse of Mary; Ss: Torcuato, Apostolic missionary, BRM, of Gaudix, Granada, Spain; John Henry Newman, PRFD, victim Soul, b in London, England; Mark, PRD, b in Aviano, Udine, Italy, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith; Carlos Alberto Martínez Sánchez, Tertiary of the OCHF, b in Havana, Cuba; Philomena, VM, b in Greece, Protectress of the Holy Palmarian See.

12. Saturday
In Thanksgiving to the Most Holy Trinity; The Most Holy Queen Essenia who is Mary; Mary, prefigured by Ruth; Ss: Innocent XI, PpD, b in Como, Italy, Reformer of the ecclesiastical life; Clare, RF, Matriarch, D, great Mystic, b in Assisi, Italy, apostle of the Eucharist; The countless Martyrs of Anglicanism in England; Germanus of Saint Stanislaus, PR, b in Vico Equence, Naples, Italy; Maria Teresa Concejo Quintana, Tertiary of the OCHF, b in Santa Maria de Los Buenos Aires, Argentina, apostle of El Palmar.

13. Sunday
Triduum of Saint Joachim
The Most Holy High Priest Melchisedech, Who is Christ; The most gentle Dormition of the Most Holy Virgin Mary; (Day 1 Td) The Pre-sanctification of Saint Joachim; Ss: Isidoro, BMD, of Zaragoza, b in Seville, Spain, apostle of the Divinity of Christ; Simon Maccabaeus, Prophet, Levitical High Priest, Essenian Religious and Caudillo of the people of Israel; John Berchmans, RD, great Mystic, b in Diest, Brabant, Belgium, apostle of religious perfection; Marian Cope, RF, b in Syracuse, New York, USA, missionary and apostle of Christian charity; Hippolytus, M, b in Rome, Italy, jailer of St. Laurence, Martyr.

14. Monday
The Most Divine Soul of Christ, sublime cosmic Luminary; Most Holy Crowned Saint Joseph of El Palmar; (Day 2 Td) The Birth of Saint Joachim; Ss: Maximilian Kolbe, PRFD, great Mystic, b in Zdunska, Wola, Lodz, Poland, apostle of Mary Immaculate and martyr of charity; Jordan of Saxony, PRFD, b in Borgberge, Paderborn, Westphalia, Germany, apostle of Mary Immaculate; Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Catalonia, Spain; Victoria Díez Bustos, RM, b in Hornachuelos, Cordoba, Spain; Antonio Ferri Ros, Tertiary of the OCHF, b in Tabernes Blanques, Valencia, Spain, apostle of Palmar.

15. Tuesday (Holy Day of Obligation) ***************************
Christ relates the parable of the prodigal son; The Assumption of the Most Holy Virgin Mary; (Day 3 Td) The Assumption of Saint Joachim; Ss: Pius II, Pp, b in Sienna, Italy, great Crusader; Gil Bouhours, D, great Mystic, b in Bergerac, Dordogne, France, apostle of the mystery of Mary’s immortality; Thomas Field, PR, b in Limerick, Ireland, great missionary; Ana Pavón Carrasco, Tertiary of the OCHF, b in El Arahal, Seville, Spain; Irene Angela Pitteloud de Théodoloz, Tertiary of the OCHF, b in Les Agettes, Valais, Switzerland; Tarsicius, acolyte, b in Rome, Italy, Martyr of the Eucharist.
16. Wednesday
Christ preaches to the Samaritans; Mary prefigured by Debora; Saint Joachim, Father of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary; Ss: Mathat & Susanna, pre-sanctified, parents of Saint Joachim; Angel Augustine Mazzinghi, PR, b in Florence, Italy, apostle of the grandeurs of Mary; Stanislaus Kostka, RD, great Mystic, victim Soul, b in Mazovia, Roskow, Poland, apostle of the Eucharist; Roch the Pilgrim, Mystic, victim Soul, b in Montpellier, Hérault, France, apostle of Christian Charity.

17. Thursday
Christ resuscitates the daughter of Jairus; Saint Joseph, Support of the Chaste; Ss: Eusebius, PpM, b in Cosenza, Italy; Peter Fourier, PRF, Patriarch, D, b in Mirecourt, Vosgos, France; Jane Delanou, RF, Matriarch, D, great Mystic, victim Soul, b in Saumur, Maine-et-Loire, France, apostle of Christian Charity; Hyacinth, PRFD, Mystic, b in Oppeln, Silesia, Poland, great missionary; Patrick Felix Toner, Tertiary of the OCHF, b in Belfast, Ireland, apostle of El Palmar.

18. Friday
Christ conferring Holy Orders at Ordination; Mary prefigured by Rachel; Ss: Gamaliel, BR, disciple of Christ; Helen, Empress, b in York, England, mother of the holy Emperor Constantine I, apostle of the Holy Cross; 9000 Martyrs in Persia; Louise Lunger De Tappeiner, Tertiary of OCHF, b in Steinegg, Italian Tyrol, apostle of Corpus Christi.

19. Saturday
In thanksgiving to the Holy Ghost and imploring His apotheotic coming; Mary, the Guiding and Protecting Cloud over humanity; Mary prefigured by Sara; Ss: Sixtus III, Pp. b in Rome, Italy; John Eudes, PRF, Patriarch, D, victim Soul, b in Ri, Normandy, France, apostle of the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary; Petra de San José, RF, Matriarch, D, Mystic, victim Soul, b in Málaga, Spain, apostle of devotion to Saint Joseph; Maria Reinhard De Obrist, Tertiary of the OCHF, b in Eich, Lucerne, Switzerland.

20. Sunday
Christ, the Angel Mediator; Ss: Pius VII, PpD, victim soul, b in Cesena, Forlí, Italy, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith and of the restoration of the Jesuits; Samuel, Prophet, Judge and Caudillo of the people of Israel, pre-sanctified; Bernard, PRF, Patriarch, D, great Mystic, b in Fontaine-les-Dijon, Côte d’Or, France, exalted apostle of Mary; Juan De Lugo, ´The Sevillian´, PRD, b in Madrid, Spain; Julio Ruiz de Alda, co-founder of the Spanish Falange, M, b in Estella, Navarre, Spain.

21. Monday
The Most Divine Soul of Christ, Father of all creation; Saint Joseph, Help of the Dying; Ss: Jane Frances Fréymot de Chantal, RF, Matriarch, D, victim Soul, b in Dijon, France; John, PRFD, great Mystic, b in Ruysbroeck-Lez-Hal, Brabant, Belgium, apostle of intimate union with God; Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, RMD, b in Breslau, Silesia, Poland; Brian Lacey, M, b in Brockdish, Norfolk, England, apostle of persecuted priests.
22. Tuesday
Christ pronounces the parables of the lost sheep and that of the lost groat; In thanksgiving to our Crowned Mother of El Palmar; Ss: Maria Micaela of the Most Blessed Sacrament, RF, Matriarch, D, great Mystic, victim Soul, b in Madrid, Spain, apostle of the Most Blessed Sacrament and of Christian Charity; Mary of The Cross, RF, Matriarch, D, victim Soul, b in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Isidro Gomá y Tomás, BD, of Toledo, b in La Riba, Tarragona, Spain, heart and soul of the Holy Spanish Crusade 1936-39; Francis Sales Handwercher, PD, great Mystic, b in Oberhausen, Bavaria, Germany.

23. Wednesday
Christ in Galilee; Ss: Philip Beniti, PRF, Patriarch, D, great Mystic, b in Florence, Italy, apostle of the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary; Fausto Cantero Roncero, PM, b in Villasbuenas de Gata, Cáceres, Spain, Gabriel Mikael, PM, b in Abyssinia, Ethiopia, apostle of the holy Catholic Faith; Luis Moscardó Guzmán, M, b in Madrid, Spain.

24. Thursday
Christ casts out a dumb devil; Ss: Bartholomew, Apostle, M; Anna Cleophas, R, relative and disciple of Mary and Tolome, parents of the Apostle Saint Bartholomew; Mary Esperanza of the Holy Face, Marian Apostle, R, b in Hochdorf, Lucerne, Switzerland; Bridget Louise Comber Clarke, b in Ballyhaunis, Mayo, Ireland.

25. Friday
Christ joining in marriage the contracting parties; Mary prefigured by Esther; Ss: Geroncio, BRMD, b in Itálica, Seville, Spain; Louis IX, King of France; The Martyrs of the French Revolution; Louise Lateau, D, great Mystic, stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, b in Bois d´Haine, Brabant, Belgium, apostle of the Passion of Christ; For the repose of the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

26. Saturday
In thanksgiving to the Eternal Father; Mary, Mother of the Church; Ss: Zephyrinus, PpMD, b in Rome, Italy, apostle of the Divinity of Christ; Teresa de Jesús Jornet, RF, Matriarch, D, b in Aytona, Lérida, Spain, apostle of Christian charity; Mary of Jesus Crucified, RFD, great Mystic, Stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, of the Arab race, b in Abbellin, Galilee, Palestine, apostle of the Passion of Christ and docile instrument of the Holy Ghost; Joab, M, Commander-in-Chief and Caudillo of the armies of the Holy Prophet David; Crisóstomo Baez Mora, tertiary of OCHF, Mystic, b in Guarambaré, Central District, Paraguay, apostle of the Holy Penitential Rosary.

27. Sunday
Our Father Jesus; Ss: José de Calasanz, PRF, Patriarch, D, great Mystic, victim Soul, b in Peralta de la Sal, Huesca, Spain; Dominic Barberi, PRFD, great Mystic, victim Soul, b in Viterbo, Italy, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith in England; Naboth, M, just man of the Old Testament; Mary Noar, b in Telfs, Tyrol, Austria, Martyr of purity; The immense number of Polish Martyrs of Nazism and Communism.

28. Monday
The Most Divine Soul of Christ, Shield from the Wrath of God; Mary prefigured by the Mother of the Machabees; Ss: Augustine, BRF, Patriarch, D, Mystic, Stigmatic, spiritual Martyr, of Hippo, b in Tagaste, Constantine, Algeria, exalted theologian; Junípero Serra, PRD, b in Petra, Majorca, Spain, great missionary; Jacob Mary of the Holy Face, Marian Apostle, BR, b in Leonding, Linz, Austria; Anna Maria Thüring de Gunti, Tertiary of OCHF, victim Soul, b in Ettingen, Basle, Switzerland.

29. Tuesday
Christ relates the parable of the unfaithful steward; Ss: Pius VI, PpD, victim Soul, b in Cesena, Forlí, Italy, apostle of the Holy Catholic Faith; Pedro Carranza, BRD, of Santa María de Los Buenos Aires, Argentina, b in Seville, Spain, missionary and apostle of Christian Charity; Peter Fabre, PRD, Mystic, b in Villaret, Savoy, France, apostle of holy obedience; Jonathan Hircanus Maccabaeus, Prophet, Levitical High Priest, Essenian Religious and Caudillo of the People of Israel; Sabina, R, b in Troyes, Aube, France.

30. Wednesday
Christ choosing the Apostles; Novena of the Nativity of the Most Holy Virgin Mary; (Day 1 Nv) Mary, Temple and Tabernacle of The Most Holy Trinity; Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar; Ss: Rosa de Santa María, RD, great Mystic, victim Soul, confirmed in grace, b in Lima, Peru, apostle of the Passion of Christ; Baruch, Prophet of the Old Testament, Founder and conventual superior of Essenian religious; Gaspar Astete, PR, b in Salamanca, Spain; Marie Thérése Dubouché, R, Mystic, b in Montauban, Tarn-et-Garonne, France, apostle of the Holy Face; Jane, R, victim Soul, b in Evora, Portugal.

31. Thursday
Christ cures the Centurion's servant; (Day 2 Nv) Mary enthroned in the Most Holy Trinity; Ss: Ramón Nonato, PRD, Mystic, victim Soul b in Portel, Lérida, Spain, Saint of the Eucharist; Juvenal Ancina, BRM, Mystic, b in Fossano, Cúneo, Italy, apostle of chastity in religious; Rogelius La Fort, b in Bourges, France, apostle of the Immaculate Conception of Mary; Dominguito del Val, acolyte, M, Mystic, Stigmatic, b in Zaragoza, Spain, apostle of Christ, the Man of Sorrows.